Tour Stonehendge

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Overview good bus tours from London to Stonehende

The ancient stone circles of Stonehenge are a very popular destination for a day trip. Most holidaymakers in London do not have a car. Therefore, many tourists take a day trip by bus to Stonehenge. The single journey time is about 2,5 hours. Due to the big distance, there are many tours that also go to a second destination on the way. The visit of Stonehenge takes about 2 hours.

In the following, some good offers for bus tours from London to Stonehenge without overnight stays, thus day trips. All tours shown have good reviews on the internet by former participants. We have only selected day trips that start and end in the centre of London near a underground station.

Suggestion 1: Only ticket for Stonehenge (own approach)

Due to the extreme number of visitors, it is often only possible to enter Stonehenge once you have booked in advance. So also tourists who come to Stonehendge themselves should buy the ticket for Stonehenge in advance on the internet. The entrance fee is about 24 Euro per person:

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 2: Bus tour from London to Stonehenge

You go by bus 2.5 hours there and 2.5 hours back. In between you are 2-3 hours in Stonehenge. You can have a look at the stone circles and the exhibition in the visitor centre. You will be informed with an audio device (available in many languages including of course English). The journey takes about 7 hours, departure is at 2 pm in summer and earlier in winter.

–>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 3: Bus tour from London: Stonehenge and Bath 2024

Besides Stonehenge you also visit the city of Bath. The town is known as a seaside resort, especially from the Roman period. It is the only known place in England with hot springs.

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 4: Bus tour from London: Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor Castle

This tour also goes to Windsor Castle. Total duration about 12 hours. We recommend this trip because all 3 destinations are worthwhile.

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Procedure for visiting Stonehenge

All visitors to Stonehenge enter the site via the new and modern Visitor Centre. There you will find the ticket control, a small exhibition (museum) and a café. In the cafe you can also buy small meals (rather expensive). Only here at the visitor centre of Stonehenge there are toilets. The large parking lot of Stonehenge is right next to the Visitor Centre.

You can get an audio guide at the Visitor Centre. It is available in 10 languages, including English. In the Visitor Centre there is free WIFI.

The visitor centre is 2 km from the stone circle. There are shuttle buses, but many visitors also go on foot. Almost everyone goes back by bus.

You can walk around Stonehenge on a long footpath and see the stone circle from all sides. You cannot walk between the stones.

Then you take the bus back to the visitor centre of Stonehenge. Almost everyone goes also to the small museum.

Tip: Harry Potter excursion (Warner Brothers Studio Tour)

One of the popular excursions in London is to the film studios,
where the Harry Potter films were shot. The location of the studios
is about 30 kilometres north of London near the town of Watford.
near the town of Watford. The tour includes a bus transfer from
London and has very good reviews. A “must” for every
Harry Potter fan on holiday in London. The trip by bus and the
visit to the film studios takes around 7 hours. You should book early,
the popular Harry Potter excursion from London is often sold out.
The alternative journey by public transport is not so easy.
The excursion to the Warner Brothers Studios is for many
London holidaymakers the highlight of the trip.

>>>>   On this page you can find more information and book the tour.

Opening hours Stonehenge 2023 / 2024

In summer the opening hours are usually daily from 9:30 to 19 o’clock.

In winter, the opening hours are often much shorter, probably because of the early darkness 9:30 to 17 o’clock (about mid-October to mid-March).

You must enter at least 2 hours before the closing time.

There is no rest day or anything like that. Closed days are rare, so far we know only at Christmas (24.12 and 25.12.)

Neolithic Houses

Some houses from the Neolithic period were reconstructed at the visitor centre. These can be visited. There are also some demonstrations like making fires with flint stones, grinding grain or making ropes in the Neolithic.

Exhibition / Museum Stonehenge

There is also a small museum. Several hundred objects found in Stonehende are on display. There are things like jewellery, tools and vessels. Also the head of a man from the stone age was reconstructed in the Stonehenge museum. There is also an exhibition on nutrition in the Neolithic. But many things from Stonehenge have been brought to other museums, for example to the Salisbury Museum about 10 km away from Stonehenge.

Café in the Visitor Centre

During Stonehenge’s opening hours you can also eat and drink in a restaurant in the Visitors Centre. The prices are rather high, there are snacks and drinks.

Shop from Stonehenge

Of course, there is also a souvenir shop in Stonehenge, as in all the big sights of the world.

Our other excursion tip: Harry Potter tour from London to the film studios outside the city. It is currently the most popular day trip from London  >>> More information

Most data on this page are from summer 2018 and 2024

Small tips Stonehenge

Reservation of tickets :

Tickets must be booked in advance as the entrance is strictly controlled to protect the monument. Tickets can be booked online or by telephone. We recommend you book early to avoid disappointment. —>>>> There are online tickets on this link

Time of day visiting Stonehenge:

The best time to visit Stonehenge is early morning or late afternoon when there are fewer people around. You can check the times for sunrise and sunset to see if you can match the sun with the stone.

Dress for the occasion:

As Stonehenge is in an exposed area, it can be windy and chilly, especially in the winter months. Wear warm, comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes.

Bring your camera:

Stonehenge is a beautiful and iconic place. Capture the moment in a photo. Please follow the photo rules and respect the history and significance of the monuments.

Respect the site :

Stonehenge is a protected monument and visitors should be treated with respect. This means staying on the designated paths, not touching the rocks and not leaving litter behind.

Visitor Centre:

Be sure to visit the Visitor Centre with a wealth of information about the monument and its surroundings. You can also buy souvenirs and snacks here.

Detailed Info Stonehenge

Stonehenge is an iconic prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most famous monuments in the world. The monument consists of a circular ring of erected stones, each weighing up to 25 tonnes. It is dated to around 2500 BC and was built in the late Neolithic period. Stonehenge has fascinated people for centuries. Its purpose and construction are the subject of debate among scientists.

The construction of Stonehenge was a monumental undertaking that required a lot of work. The stones came from quarries more than 150 miles away, and some stones, called bluestones, came from even further afield in Wales. Transporting these massive stones required sophisticated logistical and engineering systems. The stones were then arranged in a complex shape, with each stone carefully positioned to form the iconic circle we see today.

One of the most striking aspects of Stonehenge is the precision of its construction. The stones are arranged according to the movement of the sun and moon. At the summer solstice, for example, the sun rises directly above the heel stones, just outside the stone circle. This alignment suggests that Stonehenge was used as an astronomical observation and calendar.

Purpose of Stonehenge

The purpose of Stonehenge remains a mystery, as scholars have put forward various theories over the years. One of the earliest theories was that Stonehenge was a temple dedicated to the worship of the sun. This theory was based on the fact that the stones aligned with the movement of the sun and that the summer solstice was an important festival in many ancient cultures.

Bus Tours from London to Stonehenge: –>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Another theory is that Stonehenge was a cemetery. Archaeological excavations have found human remains on the site, and some of these remains date from the time Stonehenge was built. This theory suggests that Stonehenge was the place where the dead were buried and that the orientation of the stone may have symbolic meaning.

Another theory is that Stonehenge was a place of healing. Some researchers have suggested that the stone may have had special properties that are thought to have healing powers, which is confirmed by the fact that there are many other prehistoric sites.

Mystery of Stonehenge

Despite centuries of research, Stonehenge remains a mystery. The purpose of the monument and the methods by which it was built are the subject of debate among scholars. One of the most persistent mysteries is how the ancients who built Stonehenge were able to transport and place the huge stones.

One theory is that the stones were transported by water. It is thought that the stones were washed away by the River Avon and brought to the site by land. Another theory is that the stones were transported by sledges and rollers. This theory suggests that the stones were placed on wooden sledges and pulled over logs to the site.

Despite the mysteries surrounding Stonehenge, the monument continues to fascinate people around the world. Thousands of visitors come to the site every year to marvel at the ingenuity and skill of the ancients who built it.

Stonehenge today

Today, Stonehenge is a popular tourist attraction and a place of pilgrimage for those interested in ancient mysteries. Visitors can explore the site and learn more about its history and construction. There is also a visitor centre with information about the monument and the surrounding area.

Stonehenge has become a symbol Stonehenge has also become a symbol of the ancient world and a source of inspiration for artists and writers. The monument has appeared in countless literary and artistic works, and its mystical nature continues to capture the imagination of people around the world.

Despite its iconic status, Stonehenge faces many challenges today. The monument is surrounded by a busy road, and traffic and pollution have damaged the site. In addition, the increasing number of visitors has put a lot of strain on the monument and raised concerns about the conservation of the stone and the surrounding landscape.

To address these challenges, numerous conservation and preservation projects have been initiated in recent years. These projects aim to protect the monument and its surroundings and provide a quality experience for visitors.

Tip: Excursion from London Harry Potter film studios by bus (Warner Brothers Studio Tour)

Summary Stonehenge

Stonehenge is one of the most famous and mysterious monuments in the world. Its structure and purpose remain a subject of debate among scholars, and its enduring fascination has made it a symbol of the ancient world. Despite the challenges we face today, Stonehenge remains an important part of our cultural heritage, and efforts to protect and preserve the monument will allow future generations to appreciate its ingenuity and beauty.

Suggestion 1: Only ticket for Stonehenge (own journey)

Often, due to the extreme number of visitors, the entrance to Stonehenge is only possible for one with booking in advance. So even tourists who travel themselves should definitely buy the ticket for Stonehenge in advance on the internet. Admission costs about 24 euros per person:

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 2: Bus tour from London to Stonehenge

You drive 2.5 hours there and 2.5 hours back. In between you spend 2-3 hours at Stonehenge. You can visit the stone circles and the exhibition in the visitor centre. Information is provided by an audio device (available in many languages, including German). It takes about 7 hours to get there, leaving at 2 pm in summer and earlier in winter

–>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 3: Bus tour from London: Stonehenge and Bath 2024

In addition to Stonehenge, you also visit the city of Bath. The city in known as a bathing resort, especially from the time of the Romans. It is the only place in England known to us with hot springs

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

Suggestion 4: Bus tour from London: Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor Castle

This tour also goes to Windsor Castle. Total duration about 12 hours. We are happy to recommend this trip as all 3 destinations are worthwhile.

—>>>>> More information and booking on this link

All details on this page are from summer 2021 to January 2024.

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